Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Vampire Fandom

A fandom is an online-based community that focuses on one specific topic that brings like-minded people together to further explore that topic. Although there is a wide variety of fandoms, vampire-based fandoms are one of the more popular topics.

Image result for dracula fandom
"Dracula" Source: Wiki (2)
Fascination towards vampires and the vampire culture has existed for many years. Although it may be true that Stoker's novel brought vampires into the limelight, there has always been a certain captivating feel when it comes to vampire culture, as pointed out in Vampire Rave when they say "Many point to Bram Stoker's Dracula as the source of this fascination, but vampire obsession has lasted much longer" (6).

Although the vampire fandom was created to bring happiness to vampire-lovers, it isn't always a peaceful environment. One of the major arguments within the community discusses what exactly is entailed to be a "real vampire." To be considered "real" or "genuine," blood-sucking isn't always mandatory. In Dracula, one must first drink the blood of  The Count to finalize their transformation (5). This guideline isn't always the case when it comes to making a "real vampire." Depending on what website or book you read, there are different characteristics that exclude someone from being genuine or fake.

"Dracula" (5)
There are websites within the fandom that are completely devoted to one specific genre or theme, much like "The Dracula Society" (3). The Dracula Society focuses it's attention on Bram Stoker's Dracula and all it's surrounding details. It offers users a safe place to talk about their love for vampires while spending time with people that have similar taste. It has "London-based meetings, which include guest speakers, discussions, quizzes, film and video screenings, and auctions" (3).

A common trend found in the vampire fandom community is the act of role playing. Whether strictly for fun or sexual, role playing allows the individual to metaphorically step into the shoes of someone else for a while. As discussed in Variations on Vampires, "Like all forms of fantasy, role playing games or "RPGs," both computer based and live, create simplified worlds, where rules are clearly articulated and inhabitants behave in fantastic ways" (4). While role playing, that person has a better insight into the life of the person or being they are acting as.

"Dracula RPG" (1)
Although member of the community can create their own personalized role playing games, there are pre-made options available for purchase. One of them is called "Bram Stoker's Role Playing Game," where it gives you a description of who you are and what your mission is (1). These are a great option for someone with less time on their hands, although it doesn't allow much room for personalization.

Overall, the vampire fandom is a great community full of people that share a common interest. Some people may look down on it and give it a bad rap, but at the end of the day that doesn't matter. It's an awesome way to meet new people and learn more about a topic that interests you!

Works Cited

(1) "Bram Stoker's Role Playing Game." RPGGeek,

(2) "Dracula Wiki." Dracula Wiki | FANDOM Powered by Wikia,

(3) Hawley, Dave. "The Dracula Society." About the Society,

(4) Milspaw, Yvonne J., and Wesley K. Evans. EBSCOhost, 4 Nov. 2018

(5) Stoker, Bram, et al. Dracula. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,1997.

(6) Thompson. "Vampire Rave is for Real Vampires." Real Vampires Love Vampire Rave.,


  1. I thought this was a very interesting topic to do research on. I enjoyed reading about the different fandoms that come from Dracula. I never knew that this was even a thing that people do and I thought it was pretty interesting how many variations of vampire fandoms there are.

  2. I was really shocked to find out how popular the vampire fandom was over the years. I definitely think that everyone has the right to like what they like. I also liked the fact that there are websites designated for vampire fans. Very cool!

  3. This was a very interesting topic to read because although I am not interested in vampire fandom, I think some of the activities people take part in could be a great "get away." for example, being able to be quizzed on certain topics or to even role play your favorite character sounds so exciting. I also really enjoyed your first picture of Dracula in black and white because that's what comes into my mind when I think of what he really looks like.
